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New Product - 5 Days Intraday Software

Ram Ram.

We are happy to launch our 7th product for Stock Market Analysis. 5 Days Intraday Chart gives you short term and long term buy/sell signal with stop loss. The data in this software is updated live after every 5 minutes and it shows data for the last 5 days. Due to continuous data, you can carry forward your position for the next day and can earn more profit than Intraday Software.

The price of the software is Rs. 6543.00 for one year and Rs. 432.00 per year thereafter.

For our existing clients who have our share, FNO, and share intraday software, the price would be 6543 - 2295 = 4248 if purchased on or before 05/07/2020 ( गुरु पौर्णिमा ). If purchased after 05/07/2020 the price will be Rs. 5013.

For others, the price would be 6543 - 765 = 5778 if purchased on or before 05/07/2020. If purchased after 05/07/2020 the price will be Rs. 6543.

For more information contact

Nitin Shripad Joshi



आषाढी एकादशी


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